Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Indian Ayurveda: Challenge to World Medical Science

Ayurveda in India originated as a part of Vedic Science, an integral spiritual science that provide a comprehensive understanding of the entire universe of matter, mind and consciousness. Vedic knowledge propounds the principle of natural balance within the body and harmony with the environment obtaining and maintaining balance within the body and mind and with the external environment, in one of the goal of Ayurveda knowledge. Modern life often violates the principles of natural living.
We work long hours in offices with artificial light and air conditioning systems. Pure water, air and food are becoming scarce resources, in an environment that is becoming increasingly toxic, living naturally according to some simple principles of Ayurveda, one can prevent the need for expensive medical treatment as suffering needlessly from debilitating conditions.
Ayurveda, as the traditional medicine of subcontinent of India, reflects the profound spiritual culture of the region. Ayurveda is an integral part of Vedic sciences that includes Yoga, Vedanta and Vedic Astrology. Ayurveda brings us the entire cultural, spiritual and natural wisdom of the Himalayan region with knowledge of how the great yogis and seers cultivated their bodies and minds, and interacted with their natural environment, thus reaching the very source of creation in the cosmic mind.
Ayurveda application in India can be used to explain and treat any physical or psychological ailment. Ayurveda has no side effects or negative environment impact from its treatments, and the root cause of illness in treated rather than just symptoms. All medicinal preparations used in Ayurveda, are already found in the natural environment and also
Proper evacuation of bladder and bowels keeps the body light and active throughout the day. Wastes must be eliminated before new fuel is added. Never skip evacuation of bowels or bladder, though you may be in hurry. These are the natural urges, which should not be suppressed.
Ayurveda is unlike any other medical science used in India or in foreign countries. It is not just based on medications, as treatment for symptoms. As a complete philosophy of life, Ayurveda provides guidance on a whole range of activities and lifestyles beneficial in maintaining natural balance within the body, mind, senses and soul.
Ayurveda simply and succinctly explains diseases and their treatment according to the three doshas. Kapha constitution individuals tend to Kapha type or congestive diseases. Pitta constitutions usually have Pitta or inflammatory diseases. Vata people similarly have a predominance of Vata or nervous diseases.
Physical disease often results from an over-fixation upon the physical body and the material world. If we put too much energy into our physical condition we may aggravate the disease process. We must give the body its proper care, but need not let it dominate over the other aspects of our nature.
Many of us today suffer from excess treatment; we have taken too many medications and seen too many different doctors or healers. Our bodies are disturbed by too strong efforts to make them well. Therefore, in healing ourselves we should proceed with gentleness, Patience and simplicity, which can be done through Ayurveda.

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